Thursday, November 15, 2012


Qatar Airways 's food-1

Qatar Airways's food-2

Qatar Airways's food-3
Ambil bagasi

Nunggu kereta di Charles De Gaulle
Happy face :)
Di depan hotel and ready to go :)

Ecole Militaire

Apartments di area Tour Eiffel

Paris sekitar Tour Eiffel

Beautiful day!

Banyak mini cars, cute :)

Woohoo, Eiffel!

 Kakinya Eiffel

European horse..hehe..

Ticket Office di Eiffel

Ticket to the top
Champ de Mars dari atas

Paris city from the top of the Eiffel

Lampu Eiffel sudah mulai menyala
Seine River and Paris at night

Grand Palace from the top

Kelap kelip Eiffel

Beautiful night view

Beautiful Eiffel Tower

Here is where we had first dinner in Paris

Waiting for my pasta

Our dinner

    First of all, I am soooo happy me and my husband finally got married and lots of lovely people came to our wedding party, lots of sweet messages, beautiful gifts, and the most important things are to see our families and friends were there with us celebrate together :D Your presences meant soo much to us, thank you!!!!
     Aaaaand, here it is what we have been waiting for. Honeymoon. Hehe.. I would like to thank God for making the impossible dream become unbelievably possible dream, my husband for being such a wonderful travelmate, and to thank google, eurolines, tripadvisor, agoda, skyscanner, seatguru, who helped me a lot in making the itinerary and decided which were the best seats, to Travel Winner who booked our tickets and proceeded our Schengen visa, and of course my company who let me leave for 2 weeks for the whole trip.

    Sebenarnya perjalanan ini sudah kami berdua rencanakan berbulan-bulan yang lalu. My husband actually wanted to visit Switzerland or Ireland or Scotland or England. But I begged him to visit Paris (city of love gitu loooh.. hehehe..) , dan suami tiba-tiba punya ide ke Vienna/Praha/Greece. Tapi karena kondisi Greece masih berbahaya untuk turis, so we decided to delete Greece from our list. So, final list kami berdua adalah Paris dan Praha dalam 9 hari. Yay!
    Kami berdua berangkat 2 hari setelah wedding reception. I thought we would’ve been exhausted,tapi ternyata we were totally fine coz we both were so excited to go.  Kami berangkat tanggal 8 Oktober 2012, jam 00:10 naik Qatar Airways, transit in Doha. Qatar itu makanannya enaaaaaaaak, I wished I could bring them home . Sampai di Doha sekitar jam 5 pagi waktu setempat, and you know what, kami turun pesawat langsung masuk ke bis and it took 10 minutes untuk nyampe ke bandaranya. Wow! Runwaynya luas banget! Doha International Airport gak terlalu besar, tapi bersih banget dan modern. Setelah nunggu sekitar 2 jam, we then departed to Paris naik Qatar Airways lagi. OMG, deg-degan. Hehe.. (jujur, aku selalu merasa tegang setiap kali pergi ke negara yang masih asing sama sekali,even though it was Paris). 
    Abis makan, tidur, nonton film di pesawat, kami mendarat di Charles De Gaulle Airport, Paris, jam 3 sore waktu setempat, 14 degrees outside, and I thought it was a dream. And it was my birthday!!!! Hahaha.. Petugas penjaga antriannya menyapa kami dengan bahasa Indonesia, dan kemudian dia menyapa turis Jepang in Japanese. Haha.. :D Setelah kami ambil bagasi, we went to take the train to La Motte Picquet Grenelle, stasiun tempat hotel kami menginap. Ternyata konsep Metro-nya mirip sama Tokyo, tentukan houmen dulu, trus turun deh di stasiun yang kita inginkan, atau kita norikae. So we both were totally okay with Paris Metro. Di dalam metro, banyak sekali wanita arab berjilbab, orang negro, Asian, and of course Caucasian. Berasa gak sendirian. 
    Hotel kami bernama Tourisme Hotel. Aku udah banyak searching hotel di Paris, tapi rekomendasi Trip Advisor salah satunya adalah hotel ini. Station was right in front of the hotel, Starbucks pas di samping hotel, dan so many Parisian cafes bertebaran di samping kanan kiri depan hotel. Awesome! Hotelnya juga bersih banget! Kayaknya baru renovasi. Harganya juga terjangkau tapi exclude breakfast.
    Setelah check-in, taruh barang dan rehat bentar, kami jalan kaki ke Menara Eiffel, lewat Ecole Militaire, dan jalanan Paris which was sooo pretty. The leaves, the air, the people, were so beautiful.  And here we goo, Eiffel!!! Aku dan suami langsung antri untuk naik to the top of the Eiffel dengan tiket €14/person. Arrgghhh…elevatornya naiknya tinggi sekaliiiiiiii, dan kita harus turun dulu di lantai 2, trus naik elevator sambungan untuk bisa ke paling atas. Once we got to the top and saw Paris from the top, the whole city and the Seine river looked amazing! Serius, keren banget! Kayaknya sepenglihatanku gak ada gedung-gedung tinggi kayak di Jakarta deh. Mungkin itu yang bikin Paris cantik ya.
    Hampir 30-45 menit di atas, tiba-tiba hujan turun dan kami berdua mulai lapar. Matahari terbenam sekitar jam 19.30 malam, dan kami mampir dulu di Eiffel Lounge that night, ngopi dan jajan sandwich yang gedee banget. Haha.. Trus, pas hujan udah reda, kami berdua jalan kaki ke arah hotel dan menemukan resto cantik bernama Firmin, and we both celebrated my birthday dinner there, pesen Spaghetti Napolitaine + Caesar Salad + lemonade + ice tea dan gak ketinggalan French bread. Total sekitar €46 plus tip 10% kira-kira dari total harga makanan. Expensive Paris. Hahaha..

 Ok, kami istirahat dulu ya, besok pagi jalan lagii…



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