Thursday, November 29, 2007


"Being alone is better than sitting next to a lover and feel lonely"

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I went out for dinner with some friends from my field study team two days ago. It was soo much fun!! We just couldn't stop laughing when we tried to remember what kind of stupid things we had done there during the field study. We had lots..we had tons of baka things. hehehe.. But unfortunately we didn't take any pictures that night so I just posted this pic and thought how i miss those days in the humble life.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


最近見ていたばかりの「のだめカンタビーレ」には、のだめが普段着用しているワンピースがよく出ていて、なんだか全部手に入れたくなっちゃいました。(^0^) のだめ風のワンピースが欲しい!ワンピースが大好きな私とのだめは、もしかして性格も似てる??ふふふ。。

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


彼氏との寿司デートは楽しかったなぁ!(^0^) インドネシア系のまぐろ、ツナ、たまご、えびなどのお寿司は日本のお寿司と味がちょっと違う気がしたけど、久しぶりにお寿司を食べた私には(わさび無しで)美味しかった!わさびは嫌なわけじゃないけど、わさびの辛さにまだ慣れていないんだ。やっぱ唐辛子のほうがカラオイシイわ!(^-^)

Friday, November 09, 2007


Her name is Simonetta Stefanelli and she played Apollonia in The Godfather (1972)., God, she's so beautiful to me. As an Italian actress, she had played in some movies that i've never seen, but when I saw her for the first time in the Godfather, she looked so pretty and graceful. This beautiful woman died in 2006 from cancer at the age of 51.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Yes it's true.. It's raining all day over here and I hate it! But it's pretty nice when you see the rain comes down on the window and think how beautiful of this world. hehe..But anyway, my sotsuron and some cool movies keep me busy though. I read a local movie magazine which has the list of 100 most influential movies, so I rented some that I haven't watched. Oh, and I watched The Godfather Trilogy (the top of the list) for the second time and they're still amazing!! Ooh, I love Apollonia, she's so beautiful. (^-^)
Well, enjoy your sunny and raining days, guys!!