Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Kazuaki, Yasuyuki, Haku, Tsubasa, Iin, Laila

Iya, beneran capek. deadline hari jumat buat kapsel bikin pusing. terus belom lagi bikin makalah, mading, presentasi buat project work. Ditambah lagi harus baca buku-buku international relationship, ditambah lagi sama kuliah, ditambah lagi sama harus pergi ke perpus pusat, ditambah lagi ditambah lagi ditambah lagi....hehehhee...tapi ada beberapa hal yang bener2 menyenangkan hati. Carlos telpon jauh-jauh udah bikin semangat, terus wawancara sama Namiko-san yang sumpah lucu banget. Terus abis wawancara, aku ama Iin diajak Namiko ke Universitas Atmajaya buat ikutan ngeliat Mahasiswa2 dari Doushisha Daigaku di Kyoto, tempat dia kuliah. Waaah, ternyata nyenengin bgt!!! Ketemu ama teman2 Namiko yang enak bgt diajak ngobrol, jadi gak berhenti2 ngobrolnya. hehe..Acara itu sebenernya acara yang dibuat sama anak2 Atmajaya dengan Doushisa daigaku. Mereka jadi volunteer buat ngebantu orang-orang homeless dan orang-orang desa dengan ngebangunin rumah-rumah yang sekiranya layak dihuni. asik bgt ya..Yap, jadilah foto ini dengan teman2 Namiko. hehe...sayang gak sempet foto2 ama yang lain..Jugyou ganbarima~~su!!!

Monday, February 26, 2007


Don't you think sometimes it's hard being a senior? Tons of presentations and tons of books you should read to make your research going well and perfect. oow...i wish i could go to Okinawa one more time and do my research with the Uchina~ people there and some friends who are living there. (>_<) Yea, "Chibaryou!" (Ryukyu language) means "Ganbarou!" Of course i'm always ganbare-ing. Though it seems hard to finish my research in a few months, but i can still enjoy my days by singing out loud all the songs i've saved in my computer in my room. DA DA DA DA DAAA....Oh, on June i will be having a fieldstudy in a village with goats, cows, ducks, and all the animals i can't recognize the differences, and that field study takes almost 2 months! Oh Mummy Daddy, i don't even know if there's any proper place to take a bath..(;_;) There will be no internet for 2 months, no cellphone signals, etc. hehe..just kidding..(^-^)v Just get ready and welcome to "Middle of Nowhere"..(>_<)

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Lg seneng niy, kemaren malem baru jalan2 ama Mita.Beneran udah lama bgt gak ketemu dia.Asik juga nganterin calon pengantin beli2 buat hantaran. hehehehe..Trus trus, minggu ini adalah minggu pertama kuliah lhoo..Semoga semester ini jadi semester terakhir deh. Hiks..pengen luluuusss...Tapi belom juga KKN. Hwuaaa...pengennya sih liburan, tapi gimanapun juga harus wajib bakti desa niy.(>_<) Oiya oiya, weekend kemaren akhirnya bisa nyewa Devil Wears Prada! Meryl Streepnya keren deh. Pengen nonton lagiiiiiiii.....d(^-^)b Pemandangan kota New Yorknya jadi bikin pengen ke sana. (Amiiin..) Lalu,gak ketinggalan juga nonton ketoprak lesung anak2 sastra, yg judulnya "KEN DEDES SAYANG, KEN AROK MALANG".hihi...sumpah, lucu banget!! Kocak banget deh yang jadi dalangnya! hehehehee... Sekalian belajar bahasa jawa niy. Asiknya lagi, banyak bgt yg dateng, jadi pas ketawa bareng jadi seru bgt! hihihi.. Masih ada satu cerita niiy.. Sabtu kemaren seharian jalan ama Rani(rulezzz). Asik deh ngobrol macem2. berhubung dia emang jago HI, jadi seneng pas dia juga ikutan ngasih pendapat soal teori yg bakal aku pake buat skripsi. Thanks bgt ya Ran!!! Ya udah deh, lanjutin nanti yaa...see ya!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007



Monday, February 05, 2007

IT'S BEEN 5 MONTHS...'s been 5 months since i got back home from Japan. Here i got list what i've been really missing...(;_;)
1. I miss my 410 on the 4th floor of D building. (>_<) How can i forget about you, my kitchen set..Still remember when i cooked rice for the first time IN MY LIFE!!
2. I miss all my best friends : Natasya, Andrew, Carlos, Eugenie, Juri, Suvi, Ruth, Cori, Eunjong, Mi-ran, Kyoko, Evan, Stephanie, Hatim, Jose, (and lots of names i can't mention one by one here) , all the members of Chiba-Indonesia Society, all my japanese friends there.. Damn, i love all the 2005/2006 international students!!
3. I miss my Harajuku!
4. I miss SATY and Maruetsu. hihihi..
5. I miss my locker outside..(i think i need those 1yen coins right now..hehe).
6. I miss roller coaster and the haunted house.
7. I miss Inage station.
8. I miss my kaitenzushi.
9. I miss Daily Yamazaki in front of the dorm.
10. I miss TOHO Cinema
11. I miss karaoke!!
12. I miss my delicous tenpura udon at the shokudoo...
13. I miss the laundry room
14. etc..
All i can do just turn on my computer, and look at the pictures we took together, my friends..