Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I desperately want to try this new kind of water sport. It's called Flying Fish and Bali is the perfect place for you to take the challenge.(^-^) Yay!

Monday, October 22, 2007


「絹」という語彙を始めて勉強して以来、将来の子供に「キヌ」と名づけようかなと,よく考えるようになったんだ。ユニックだし!かわいいし!どうかなぁ?(^-^) 漢字はそのまま使えばいいのかな?いろいろ考えなくちゃね~










Thursday, October 18, 2007


Kemarin malem nonton tv bareng ayahku, dan kebetulan ada film kartun The Iron Giant.Kok baru tahu ya ada film ini? Ternyata film ini baguuuuus!! d(^0^)b Cerita persahabatan seorang anak kecil bernama Hogart dengan robot setinggi 30m yang suka banget makan logam. Lucu deh, robotnya diajarin ngomong kata perkata ama anak kecilnya.Yang kocak pas si robotnya nyebur ke danau, airnya jadi ombak besar kayak tsunami. Ikan-ikan kecil ama berang-berang hanyut ke darat dan si Hogart nyangkut di atas pohon.hehehhe..Endingnya bagus di saat si robotnya inget kata-kata Hogart yang pernah tanya "Who do you want to choose to be? You want to be a gun and kill? It's up to you! You are what you choose to be! Who do you want to choose to be?" Kemudian si robotnya yang belum bisa ngomong banyak cuma bilang, "SUPERMAN..". Huhuhu...Nyenengin bgt sih filmnya!! (^-^)



Lebaran t'lah tiba..Horee..Horee!! Minal Aidzin Walfaidzin, mohon maaf lahir batin buat semuanya ya. Kebetulan tahun ini keluargaku ikut yg tanggal 12 Oktober, dan ternyata pas salat Ied, lumayan rame tuh. Sempet ketemu temen2 SMU juga. Tapi tau gak sih yg beda di lebaran taun ini? Pas selesai salat Ied, yg biasanya aku males dengerin ceramahnya, kemarin aku serius lho ngedengerin khutbahnya.hehehhehe...Bukankah itu suatu kemajuan yang amat amat berarti? hehehehehe...Walaupun cuma dengerin ceramah, kita udah dapet cerita baru, dan sedikit lebih ngerti ama agama sendiri. Oiya oiya, ngomongin lagi soal kemajuan, kayaknya tiap taun ada sesuatu yg kayaknya gak nunjukkin kemajuan deh. "Kebersihan adalah sebagian dari iman" mungkin udah dari kecil diapalin. Tapi buktinya, abis salat Ied, koran-koran tetep aja berserakan. KOTOR TAU! Gak ada kesadaran dari diri sendiri buat bawa itu koran, padahal itu kan enteng banget!! Huh! Mau marah gimana, marah juga ama siapa.orang-orang yg naruh korannya aja udah pada pergi, gak tau siapa juga.(>_<) Yaah..Buang koran itu hal yang gampaaaang banget, gak perlu pake teori macem2 kayak skripsi, gak perlu tenaga banyak juga. Payah!! Tau deh, mungkin baru tahun 2150 orang-orang bisa nyadar kali ya...Itupun cuma andai-andai. Kalo gak ada yang peduli sama hal-hal yg naudzubillah kecilnya segitu, siapa lagi dooong?Huhuhuhu...kesian bgt sih bumi ini.Sabar yaa..Pasti akan ada orang-orang yg dengan niat dan hati yang tulus untuk ngebiasain diri menjaga kebersihan, minimal dari rumah sendiri dulu. Semoga kita termasuk di dalam orang-orang itu.(^-^) Keep this earth clean, guys!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


A friend told me that Optimus Prime and Megatron could transform themselves in a Nike sneaker. So I googled them and here we go...!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


One year has passed and I'm 23 years old now.... Just want to get married soon. hahahaha...I wish I could go to Japan with my family, meet all my friends, Tasya, Andrew, Carlos, Stephanie, Cori, Hatim, Suvi, Evan, Eugene, Juri, Eunjung, Kyoko, Miran, Jose, Desy, Yuki, Shuusaku, Madoka, Rie, Mitsuka, Rika, Junko, and other friends!! I wish I could......Thank you soo much for you for calling me at 12 last night.. Getting older, getting better. Humm..That's right. (^-^)

Friday, October 05, 2007


I went to see Resident Evil : Extinction two days ago, and that was pretty good i think. But you know, i really hate zombies. I'd prefer to see the horror movies with kinds of Sadako, or something really scary that doesn't have the virus that can infect you. Sigh..Zombies are not good looking at all, they're soooo disgusting. One thing that zombies always keep on their minds is flesh. That's it. Humm..It's not fun seeing zombies running around looking for humans. Huhuhu..I didn't scream or shout when i saw that scene, but i felt my heart stopped beating for 5 seconds.hehehe...It's different when you go seeing Juon or some similar movies which have some great scenes that can make you close your eyes, and scream when the ghost comes up and stares at a poor guy with her scary eyes.( Gosh...why is it getting colder over here?). But anyway, it was funny to see how a zombie turned on the digicam and took a picture of a man at the lab. (Oh God I'm really sorry for being a spoiler)..

Thursday, October 04, 2007


He's the man and only. His name is Charlie Hunnam, playing as a hooligan with Elijah Wood in Green Street Hooligans, one of the best movies i've ever seen this year!!! Ooh..You REALLY HAVE to see the movie!!! His acting is god damn good!!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Kemarin abis baca blognya temennya temenku,jadi berhasrat buat ikutan nulis juga niy soal mudik.Huhuhu..akhirnya aku pulang tanggal 11 (h-2). Biasanya sih seminggu sebelum lebaran udah mudik, tapi yaa karena urusan skripsi dan skripsi, skripsi, skripsi, skripsi ( hehe..bosen ya
bacanya), terpaksa deeeh telat pulangnya. (>_<) Padahal aku pgn bgt ngerayain ultahku di rumah sama keluarga ( Oct 9 is my birthday!!!), pengen agak lama ngerasain puasa di rumah, aaah..tau deh.Bete sih sebenernya harus lama2 di sini, padahal yang lain pasti udah pada santai-santai di rumah. Huhuhuhu...(;_;) Tapi ya udahlah, tiket udah kebeli, malu juga kali ya klo harus ganti tanggal. Met liburan aja ya buat semuanyaaa!

Monday, October 01, 2007


it don't matter if you're blackwhite, or yellow,
if you're brown or red
let's get down to that
love is color blind
you're my brother, you're my friend
all that matters in the very end
it's to understand
love is color blind
you could have been my mother
you could have been my brother
what if you are my sister
if you are my father
you could have been my feller
you could have been my teacher
but if you are my friend
it would be so nice to meet ya
take it out to the world
tell every boy and every little girl
be proud of yourself
cause you're as good as anybody else
put away your prejudice
open your mind don't need to stick to this
try to make this of
a better place without a racial curse